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Australian Disaster Resilience Handbook Collection (Community Engagement for Disaster Resilience, Communities Responding to Disasters: Planning for Spontaneous Volunteers, Community Recovery)

Community Recovery Committees are volunteer-led organisations that help communities recover from disasters. The committees were established after severe bushfires in Australia. Through the local and community-led approach, support programmes, the reconstruction and the rebuilding process are tailored to the community, their voices are heard, their knowledge is used, and they are at the centre of planning and implementation. Some of their tasks include gathering information, setting community goals, advocating for the needs of the community, and organising or supporting activities. Based on their research, a group of scientists have produced guidelines on how governments can support these committees after bushfires. Their research addressed, how government can best support community-led decision-making processes in recovery; and how they can use existing and emerging community organisations, structures, and networks in the aftermath of a disaster.
Purposes of the solution:
Capitalise social networks and relationships
Quick recovery
Empower governance and leadership
The solution could help to address the following needs of first responders and authorities:
Improve involvement of and cooperation with citizens
Implementation type:
Guidelines and plans
Phase of emergency:
Before the crisis
During the crisis
After the crisis
Solution Provider:
Research organisations
Public authorities and policy makers
Target user:
Civil society
Public authorities and policy makers
Record Management:
Created: Mar 24, 2023
Maturity level: