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Don't Shake at an Earthquake

The "Don't Shake At Earthquake" is an awareness campaign focusing on preparedness in case of an earthquake. The main objective of the campaign is raising awareness, informing, and preparing the public to react correctly if an earthquake occurs. The campaign consists of six videos, and each video lasts for 30 seconds. The videos are animated and show what to do if an earthquake happens and how to act in different environments, for example at work, at the mall, or in school. A couple of videos explain how you should prepare your home in case of an earthquake, and general rules of conduct.
Purposes of the solution:
Enhance risk awareness
Enhance preparedness
Capitalise social networks and relationships
The solution could help to address the following needs of first responders and authorities:
Improve autonomy, coping abilities, and proactiveness of citizens

The 'Don't Shake At Earthquake' campaign is part of an ecosystem of solutions created by the Department for Emergency situations (DSU) in Romania. The DSU works at a strategical and tactical level, and this ecosystem of solutions creates synergies that enhances the general level of awareness in the population. Other solutions in the same ecosystem are the RVM-app and the Be ready caravan. The videos of the campaign have been shown on TV channels and promoted through radio stations. In addition, the local inspectorates have provided trainings in schools. In this way, the campaign can reach different layers of society. The main limitation of the solution is related to impact. For example. how many people follow the campaign (either on TV or social media channels, but also in schools) and to which extent they apply the information presented in order to become more prepared. To mitigate this, private companies were involved in creating the videos to make them look professional. It was important that the videos were short (30 seconds) because the audience have a short attention span. Also, it is important that the movies are concerned with providing the correct information, and professionals know how to convey information in a suitable format. Making new videos could easily be done, however, that is a cost issue.

Coping actions:
Information sharing to citizens
Added benefits:
Together with other solutions, the awareness campaign contributes to synergies that may enhance the general level of awareness in the population.
Degree of transferability:
The videos are in Romanian language and needs to be translated. Making new videos could be done, however, that is a cost issue. Moreover, one should consider the areas and audiences you wish to reach with the campaign.
Degree of modifiability:
Similar videos can be made for other types of crises. However, it would require resources to make new videos.
Important factors for implementation:
Demographic characteristics
Material conditions
Preparation and planning

Demographic characteristics

The aim of the campaign has been to reach different layers of society. The videos developed for the awareness campaign have been shown on national TV and radio. In addition, the videos have been used in the Be ready caravan and shown in schools in relation to training of first aid skills. Thus, the potential to reach the whole population is high. The response time in case of an emergency is known to be longer in rural than urban areas. In addition, skills and knowledge about preparedness are perceived to be lower in rural areas, thus the government has been particularly concerned with conveying the information to these areas.

Preparation and planning

It was important that the videos were short (30 seconds) because the audience has a short attention span. Also, it is important that the videos are concerned with providing the correct information. Private companies were involved in creating the videos to make them look professional, since professionals know how to convey information in a suitable format. It should be considered that the media used can influence acceptance by the public.

Material conditions

It has been important to use professionals when making the videos, which has a cost, depending on the company used and number of videos.

Important factors for use:


In order to disseminate the videos to a broad audience, it will be important to have collaboration and agreements with for example TV channels to screen the videos, with radio stations to promote them, as well as collaboration with schools and universities to allow training sessions during school time.

Evaluation from cases:

The Romanian authorities have sent out a questionnaire to assess the different activities initiated by the government to raise awareness, and the poll shows a positive effect. However, there has not been a specific evaluation of the awareness campaign itself.


Attention span

To be able to keep the interest of viewers, the videos must be short (30 seconds) and preferably made by professionals.

Further information:
Implementation type:
Awareness campaigns and training
Phase of emergency:
Before the crisis
Solution Provider:
Emergency organisations and services
First responders
Target user:
Record Management:
Created: Sep 15, 2021
Maturity level: