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IBERO Protocol

The IBERO Protocol guides the standardisation of procedures and resources towards the improved coordination between responders in intentional incidents with multiple victims. The aim is to reduce the time for pre-hospital care and transfer of victims to definitive treatment centres, and thus to improve their chances of survival. The protocol supports the interaction between the different actors responding to emergencies and disasters. The actors were identified inline with the Hartford Consensus. They include immediate interveners (at the scene of the incident and, therefore, potential victims), first responders and medical personnel in care centres. The protocol was launched by the Spanish Society of Emergency and Emergency Medicine. The acronym IBERO stands for "Información, Bloqueo de la amenaza, Escalonamiento, Respuesta y rescate, y Orden y evacuación", meaning "Information, Blocking the threat, Escalation, Response and rescue, and Order and evacuation", which define the sequence of the activities to be followed when dealing with emergencies and disasters.
Purposes of the solution:
Facilitate resource allocation
Efficient response
Improve health and mental outlook
The solution could help to address the following needs of first responders and authorities:
Improve involvement of and cooperation with citizens
Organise and coordinate volunteers
Implementation type:
Guidelines and plans
Phase of emergency:
During the crisis
Solution Provider:
Public authorities and policy makers
Emergency organisations and services
Target user:
First responders
Healthcare workers
Citizen groups at risk
Record Management:
Created: Sep 15, 2021
Maturity level: