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US FEMA Disaster Multimedia Toolkit

The Disaster Multimedia Toolkit is compiled by FEMA, the American Federal Emergency Management Agency on their website. The toolkit is designed for media and FEMA's external partners who are looking for material that can be used during or after a crisis. It includes downloadable multimedia materials in several languages like flyers, graphics, videos, live announcer scripts, and graphics. The appropriate graphics can be searched for by keyword and filtered by topic and language. As an extension, there is also the website with a social media preparedness toolkit related to the pre-disaster phase.
Purposes of the solution:
Enhance risk awareness
Enhance preparedness
Improve communication and information sharing
The solution could help to address the following needs of first responders and authorities:
Communicate with or alert citizens
Improve preparedness level among citizens
Implementation type:
Web service or other digital service
Phase of emergency:
During the crisis
After the crisis
Solution Provider:
Public authorities and policy makers
Target user:
Civil society
Record Management:
Created: Mar 24, 2023
Maturity level: