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EKINBIDE is a complaint service, attached to the Department of Security of the Basque Government. The Service is responsible for receiving, studying, and responding to complaints, comments, and suggestions for improving the public security system and the services provided to citizens. For example, if at some point in time a citizen considers that any given problem that he has faced has not been adequately managed by the Law Enforcement Agency, he can proceed to file a complaint through this service to improve future actions and resolving the problem at stake. This solution helps to improve the quality of the law enforcement services and the trust that citizens have in these services. The channels to present the initiatives and complains are the following: - By telephone via the Basque government's electronic control centre - Face-to-face - At the headquarters of the EKINBIDE Office - Ertzaintza Police Stations and Citizen Attention Offices. - In other dependencies of the services of the Euskadi public security system. - At the Basque Government Registry Offices (Zuzenean Offices) - At post offices - Other means provided for in the legislation of the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations. The data required are name and surname of the person concerned, their ID, address or channel for notification purposes, the reason or content of the initiative and the service to which it refers. Limitation: Since the service is designed to capture each individual's experience, this sole point of view must be further analysed before arriving at conclusions.
Purposes of the solution:
Capitalise social networks and relationships
Improve communication and information sharing
The solution could help to address the following needs of first responders and authorities:
Communicate with or alert citizens
Improve involvement of and cooperation with citizens
Implementation type:
Inclusive or psychological support
Phase of emergency:
Before the crisis
Solution Provider:
Emergency organisations and services
Target user:
Record Management:
Created: Sep 15, 2021
Maturity level: